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countdown to austin

3 min read

At the last Sencha Conference 2010, one of my presentations was JavaScript: Under the Hood. Much to my surprise, the video (also see below) and the slides become very popular after they are published. In fact, if you see the list of most popular Sencha’s SlideShare, it’s right there at #2 (as of now).

Based on the feedback and the comments, I decide to have some fun again doing the explanatory talks about web technologies at Sencha Conference 2011 next week in Austin, TX. This time, I will be joined by Sencha’s other WebKit contributor, Jarred Nicholls. We will have two presentations, both on Monday, October 24.

Hacking WebKit & Its JavaScript Engines is basically about how browser works in general and how would you use WebKit to assist your rich web apps development. There will some best practices in JavaScript coding in particular. The official abstract looks as follows:

WebKit, along with its JavaScript engines, is not a magical black box. We will show you the internal of various WebKit building blocks (10,000-foot overview) and how they work together. In particular, learn also the simple steps on how to experiment with WebKit with your own and leverage WebKit functionalities to find the performance problems, track the network issues, automate effective smoke tests, and implement per-pixel correctness tests. In addition, armed with a little extra knowledge about JavaScript engines, you will be ready to improve both the quality and performance of your JavaScript code.

On the other hand, Hardware Acceleration on Mobile is very specific to give you the information on how web browsers take advantage of modern GPU. This talk is the more elaborated version of the concise description I’ve written about Understanding Hardware Acceleration on Mobile Browsers, one of the most tweeted Sencha blog post in the last half a year. The official abstract says it all:

GPU acceleration on mobile browsers, if it is leveraged correctly, can lead to a smooth and fluid applications, thus improving the user experience. There has been a lot of mentions and best practices of hardware acceleration these days, although so far it has been pretty general and hasn’t provided much technical direction apart from simple magical advice such as “use translate3d”. This talk sheds some more light on browser interactions with the GPU and explain what happens behind the scenes, covering the topic of acceleration of primitive drawing, the use of tiled backing store, and composited layer. Knowing the actual machinery behind hardware acceleration, you will be in the position to plan your strategy to improve the performance of your web application.

If you are coming to Austin, drop by and say hello!

Update: the slide decks are now available. Another update: you can enjoy the videos now.

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