Disclaimer: Except otherwise noted, my activities around these projects are my own personal where my involvement is not necessarily endorsed, sponsored, encouraged, funded, nor recommended by my employer.
Active Projects
Currently my main focus is Esprima (esprima.org), an ECMAScript parser written in ECMAScript. Esprima is designed to be educational, readable, standard-compliant, and high-performant. It is still in the early stage of development although its future as the basis of various ECMAScript (also JavaScript) tools is quite promising.
My other fun hacking is PhantomJS (phantomjs.org), a headless WebKit packaged with a JavaScript API. It has native support for different web technologies: DOM handling, CSS selector, JSON, Canvas, SVG, and of course JavaScript. PhantomJS can be used for quick regression tests, site scraping, web page rasterizer, and many others.
Past Projects
I’ve been also working on and off on WebKit (www.webkit.org), the most popular open-source web rendering engine (used among others in Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Apple iPhone/iPad, Google Android, Palm Pre, Nokia Symbian, and many others). As a WebKit reviewer, I’ve been working on WebKit since 2008, mostly for the Qt port, focusing on graphics, performance, and optimizations.
For a while, I worked for Trolltech (then acquired by Nokia), the creator of the multiplatform application framework Qt. There I was mostly involved with QtWebKit module. Occasionally I wrote assorted demos for Qt Symbian, prototyped the effects implementation for Graphics View, delivered various technical talks at developer conferences (like Qt Dev Days), and published biweekly tips, tricks, and example code at Qt Labs.
In the past, for a number of years, I was active as a KDE developer working on the office suite KOffice (www.koffice.org). I have been the maintainer of its spreadsheet application. I also have done important improvements to its libraries and applications, among others memory-efficient DOM/XML, file format conversion filters, two dozens slide transition effects, performance and general optimizations.
As part of my Google Summer of Code 2006 project, I have added massive improvements to libwpg (libwpg.sf.net), a library to read clip-arts in Corel WordPerfect Graphics (WPG) format. This library is used in other open-source software such as OpenOffice.org (Novell’s edition), Abiword, Scribus, and KOffice.
There were few more open-source/free software I have started and maintained for a while.
SpeedCrunch (www.speedcrunch.org) is an open source, cross-platform scientific calculator. It is the default desktop calculator for Kubuntu Linux, also available for Linux distributions (e.g. OpenSUSE, Debian, Fedora, Gentoo), Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X.
PictureFlow (pictureflow.googlecode.com) is a Qt widget to show images like in Apple’s Cover Flow.
Screenie (screenie.googlecode.com) is a supersimple tool to create attractive screenshots.